AFA Facial 20 58ml
AFAs Are Effective Exfoliants
AFAs are very effective exfoliants because they are able to combine a low pH with a small molecular size. The pH of our AFA Gels is below 2.0 and the molecular weight of AFAs under 100. This is a small enough molecule to penetrate into the skin and a low enough pH to be an effective kerolytic.
The Visible Effects of AFAs Occur Quickly
It is not unusual to hear someone say, "Patients have no patience". Patients want quick, if not immediate, results. AFAs offer exactly that to your patients. Patients will often notice an improvement in their skin within the first few days to a week. This is likely due to the immediate increase in moisture retention of the skin. This immediate improvement helps motivate the patient to stick with the program long enough to address more significant issues like photo pigmentation. Clinical reports indicate that photo pigmentation also improves more quickly than with other cosmeceuticals, perhaps due to the combined effect of potent anti-oxidation and exfoliation.